4 Billion Bluetooth® Wireless Technology Products to Be Shipped in 2019

The Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group) estimates in a new market study unveiled today that 5.4 Billion Bluetooth® devices will be sold in 2023, up from 4 Billion in 2019, a CAGR of 8% over the period.

Phone, PCs and Tablets will account for 50% of this total market in 2019 (2.01 Billion units) But only 39.2% in 2023. Besides that, Audio, Connected Devices and Smart Home are the biggest market categories (see below).

This market research also provides interesting figures about the growth of Bluetooth devices used for location tracking.

Item finding tags (B2C) will near 104 million units by 2023 with a 32% CAGR over the next five years.

Asset tracking tags (used in B2B markets) will near 195 million units with a 47% CAGR.

Browse the complete study below:

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